Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Have you head of flower essence?  I hadn't until this last year, 2018.  But since then, I've been really exploring the experience of flower essence these past couple months thanks to my midwife Rachel who introduced me to flower essence last summer in the midst of my heartbreaking pregnancy and miscarriage.  Imagine my utter excitement when I found out LOTUSWEI was acquiring a new building just mere blocks away from my house.  LOTUSWEI was founded by Katie Huss a flower alchemist and brilliant entrepreneur.  Her magic comes through not only in her flower elixirs but also in her podcast the Flower Lounge.   This past month they hosted a flower lounge gathering in real life featuring their full apothecary, flower everything, nourishment and flower cards. 
When I arrived I was totally overwhelmed and frustrated and felt guilty for even going, I was in a weird head space and being greeted with flowers on the temple-esque facade of the building, I almost broke down into tears who put all these flowers here for me?  It was such a magical feeling. 

I loved the small paper tokens of mantras and reminders sitting on the handmade wood tables,  The feminine energy enveloping the room and the flower revolution cards, with gentle guidance and suggestions for whatever we were attracted to,
Nourishment provided by Lauren Brooks Life.  It was the first time I tried a raw prickly pear.
And if that wasn't decadent enough there was a full cheese and meats board.
And native foods. 
I took full advantage of the 'unlock your full potential spread offered by this deck.
1. Play
2. Health
3. Money
4. Work
5. Family
6. Love
7. Catalyst

clockwise from top around to middle.
1. Play received Bee Balm, sending messages of Hope and Be Still.
2. Health received Pink Lotus with Divine Wisdom and advice to look within.
3. Money was the Bodhi Tree and Boundless Love.  True Love it is unconditional.
4. Work was one of my favorite flowers; passion flower which told me to rest more  and suggested healing sleep.
5. Family was Jade Succulent inspiring me to Be Present and Go for it.
6. Love became Hollyhock suggesting Softness of Character and reminding me that soft is transformative.
7. Catalyst which feels big that thing that creates change was Banana Blossom activating a spacious mind and reminding me to slow down a little.

And all of this enjoyed and explored with some of my favorite and empowering women.

Once at home I focused on my inner peace elixir and holiday peace essential oils diffusing all winter break, I rested, I restored, I feel so inspired to create again.  I can't wait for more events and experiences hosted and presented by Lotus Wei!


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