This past weekend was one of the busiest of my life. My past few weeks nights have included late nights and collaborations with friends and family to make this weekend happen! Every year we go to Hissyfits' Hullabaloo and I finally decided to participate this year. I always do a quick review on my favorite vendors and this year I'm combining both events into one post since they were the same weekend and lots of vendors were at both events including myself! My friend Michelle and I split a both at Phx Flea and Hullabaloo. She makes soap and jewelry and I make shirts and ball jars. Not sure if those all really "go together" but we made it work. See for yourself...
C'est Love Designs had the most adorable bows for littles and her perfect bow custom sign explained all the options to make the PERFECT bow! check out her etsy here.

First I'll start with Saturday's Phoenix Flea. A local flea market with various handmade and vintage vendors. All admission benefits the 100 Club of Arizona and below are a few of the awesome vendors...
I pretty much love the Young Wild Free tee, might have to pick a few up {one fore each of my girls}
Brown Paper Bag Shop had these amazing thread letters {as pictured above}
Find them on instagram!
MAME soy candles was also there! Their Sunday Brunch scent was divine! Your home will thank you.
Henny and Coco had the most adorable tiny glitter and gold crowns for kids and adorable bows and hair accessories.
And as always the Indie Nook booth was packed. MUST order my girls the "Best Friend" tees.
Keri of Mer•made jewelry was there with her amazing metal and raw stone jewelry. I love my new necklace! {see end of this post}
Mariette Market has the most wonderful little dresses on my wish list for Sonja, she wears the one from the last Phx Flea at least once a week.
Vivir Vintage {Thanks Vivir for sending me some photos, I loved looking at all the vintage treasures at the booth next to ours (hey look there I am with Michelle setting up)}
Other awesome vendors include:
And that was just a FEW vendors from Saturday!
Sunday morning started at 10am at Hissyfits for their biannual Hullabaloo!
Thankfully they had Mama's Cold Brew serving organic cold brew {with cinnamon accents} and homemade creamer! Yes! to all the caffeine.
I meant to make it back over to this booth to pick up that arrow mug! but the chaos of the day had other plans. going to have to order one! Royal Bowtique
Sadly there weren't many boys options among the frill and ruffles of the local handmades BUT THIS bow and vest onesie was adorable! from Sweet "P" Couture.
First lets talk about that adorable table cloth! then the gold rope headband {below}
I picked up a gold and white rope bracelet from her shop.
Lemonberry Kiss had headbands and bows while Anchored Baby had custom baby carriers. Too bad my girls are getting to big to be worn, if you know a new mama help her out and get her a wrap!
I LOVE the black and white striped flower with red band! a little girl can never have too many headbands right?
I absolutely loved these little wood carved signs, going to be submitting a custom order ASAP! also her flower necklaces and bows were the tightest wrapped fabric I've EVER seen, highly recommended if you're looking for something like that {Pudds pretty lil things}.
And now, the HullabaLOOT:
My mom spoiled the girls for the fifth time,
Sadly, I don't have resources for the Hats with flowers, Chevron bell bottom pants, Red and Black 2 piece set {Grandma grabbed those without me and I didn't get a card, please claim if YOU know who made them!!}
Vera in her romper from Bella and Bruiser
and I got a few things with my earnings from the day as well...
necklace from Mer•made jewelry
rope bracelet from From Stunning by Design
coral bracelet from Meesh One Jewelry
shirt from Indie Nook
Organic Creamer from Mama's Cold Brew
AND That was my weekend! Hope you're was equally awesome. Keep an eye out for some big announcement. {hint phoenix is about to see a LOT more of Hawks and Honey!}

That looks like so much fun. I don't think we quite have those kind of parties in my neck of the woods, unless I don't know about them. But thanks for sharing your photos so I could experience it vicariously through your blog.