Friday, January 18, 2019


Recently, I've been working on a series of drawings and descriptions to my most loved and used plants in my life.  This week I wanted to share Patchouli and it's uses with you all!  I'm going through some pretty big transformations emotionally and my face and neck seem to think it's a good time to break out in blemishes. I think it's a cleansing and emotional reaction but thankfully I have dōTERRAPatchouli.

I've heard you can apply one to two drops of dōTERRA Patchouli to a favorite moisturizer to help promote a smooth, glowing complexion.   I actually love to put it directly on my skin or bathe in patchouli oil, I usually mix 5 drops patchouli and 5 drops ylang ylang for hormonal and emotional support. dōTERRA Patchouli has a rich, musky-sweet aroma and is regularly used in the perfume industry as well as in scented products such as laundry detergents and air fresheners. Besides its amazing fragrance, dōTERRAPatchouli has a wonderful grounding and balancing effect on emotions. Combined with Vetiver, can help calm emotions when applied to the bottom of feet.
Another great way to try dōTERRA's Patchouli is to combine with Peppermint and apply to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck after a long day of work. As a member of the mint family, Patchouli would also make a great addition to your oral health routine. Try it as a mouth wash by checking out the link below:

DIY Patchouli Mouth Rinse | dōTERRAEssential Oils Many teeth-whitening products and toothpastes include baking soda because it has the ability to remove minor stains from the teeth. Baking soda is made up of a chemical compound that acts as an abrasive that can help to remove teeth stains, helping your smile look whiter.

There's just so many benefits from this powerful plant, what are some ways you've used patchouli in the past?  I want to make sure I include lots of uses in my Herbal.

All these products can be found at my enroller ID is 1767826 for those looking to purchase oils at wholesale rates, using my ID grants you access to my top secret Facebook group and a network of over several thousand like minded customers and resources that's growing everyday.  So don't forget to enter it when ordering. 

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