Friday, February 21, 2020


Let me tell you a bit about our time in Waterford, Ireland. 

I love Irish tea, like it's my favorite.  I know the British are credited with tea time and as part Brit I appreciate this, and they do it well, but the most sacred place to me is tea at Waterford Castle.  It's where I sat with my mom and sister and daughters on our first trip to Ireland.  We've been back again since then, the Husband and I, and I wanted to make sure we didn't skip it this time around.  We enjoyed a quiet afternoon in the castle with a selection of Vegetarian sandwiches at my request and my favorite scones in the world with clotted cream.  Here's a look at our short but sweet time in Waterford (home of the famous crystal glassware) at the Waterford Castle. I included a short video of our time at the castle and my favorite details. But realized I didn't take many professional photos while we were here, mostly it's photos from my iphone.  I guess that's a testament to us living in the moment while we were there. Enjoy...
Irish Breakfast Tea
The tea set up including lots of cream in the tea because Ireland.
The breakfast room has the best ceiling.
Fresh flowers from the grounds.  I mean Orchids growing in real life. yum.
someone get me a wardrobe like this please.  Anyone? Facebook marketplace?
Stationary desk of my dreams.
Topped with the biggest stargazer lilies I've ever seen, as big as the newspaper!
Since we were there end of November they were already setting up for Christmas, and look at this giant real tree in their lobby. So pretty!  And just a quickly as we arrived we departed for Northern Ireland.
Every time we're here, I want to spend more time walking around the city, there's fun street art and always so many people, but I tend to over plan a trip and don't usually include much more than a day in these small towns, next time though, I have a new rule, a two night minimum in any city anywhere.  12-24 hours in just any one place isn't enough!

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