Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Recent Reads and Current Scents volume 3

The Henna Artist + Breathe Blend
Last month I finished reading The Henna Artist which was a wonderful story of female independence, the struggle the journey of becoming ourselves.  Choosing our paths, finding forgiveness, recognizing the situations we can not change and moving on.  I had a lot in common with this character, not all but a lot.  She's forced to be self made, she doesn't have a support system in the beginning, and it's up to her and her skills and knowledge to really set herself up.  Unfortunately there's a dash fo self sabotage mixed in and she has to navigate that all with a new sister who shows up on her doorstep.  Their relationship and her unraveling was intriguing.  And for her extensive knowledge of plants and herbs, her amazing skills as an artist, even the magic of henna can not fix what she does not acknowledge.  I really found the whole story of her experiences so believable, and relatable.  If you're interested in looking at another culture in historical fiction novels, I can absolutely wholeheartedly suggest this book. 
& for my current essential oil blend let me tell you about breathe. Breathe is a blend of Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, Ravintsara Leaf, Ravensara Leaf essential oils.  The Ravintsara, Melaleuca, and Eucalyptus oils are often used in henna paste and this blend brings up all my favorite memories of Eucalyptus henna designs I've ever done and worn - this one is really common especially in my Henna Huddle experiences in London.  I also love the Cardamom seed which reminds me of a decadent cup of warm chai tea latte - my current favorite Autumn and Winter day drink of choice.  You can get your own bottle here or message me for a free sample. 

But going back to the magic of henna, if you follow along with my instagram page you'll know I recently was asked to do henna at a book club for an amazing group of women who also just finished reading the book.  I'm not kidding when I say henna is a magical plant that brings people together exactly where they need to be.  

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