This weekend was really fun for me as a new craftrepreneur, semi-regular blogger and avid supporter of community building. I attended my first Insta Meet and Greet. So while I do not suggest meeting strangers on the internet, I took a risk by attending an event popularized by the internet, or more specifically instagram. Many local bloggers, business owners and crafters were gathered for a Creative Brunch meet up organized by Jennifer of Henny and Coco and Jenn of Sincerely Jenn. Now, if I hadn't met either of these ladies before or known a few of the attendees, I might have been too nervous to commit, but as it was, thanks to the bloguettes community and other local craft events, I was really excited about meeting with other local craftrepreneurs and like minded women, many of whom are also similarly stay at home moms with successful business or blogs on the side. I really excited I went and here's why...
Heidi here won this adorable bloguettes tee and I even won a prize myself!
Some of the People {and their businesses} I met:
Summer of The Girls with Glasses
Emily of The Banner Shoppe
Heidi of idieh design
Reachel of Cardigan Empire
Kayli of KayliWanders the blog.
Deidre of C'est Love
Sara of Life Design and Peek
Lauren of Lauren Ashby Photography
The Glitter Revival
PB&J Threads
Juney House Shop
Crew and Lu
Sweet Shoppe Mom
Pink Cake Plate
Top Knots and Twirls
Free Range Apparel {coming soon}
Ruffled Paper
Mulberry Press Co.
Royal Bowtique
Beth Allen Art

North is an awesome restaurant hidden on 40th street and Camelback.
A blogger wtihout her iphone and 50mm is lost, I'm so glad I didn't forget mine!
I loved the detail of each setting, thanks to Beth Allen for these beautiful name tags!
This mini menu was great for our large group. I wasn't sure if I wanted to Egg Scramble, Beet Salad or Patata Pizza.
I did, however, decide that 11am was perfectly acceptable time to order Vodka, {right?!} and I got the Molto Fresco. They did have a great brunch cocktail and mocktail selection.
I mean these lights were bigger than my head. Adding them to my wish list.
That Molto Fresco {Grapefruit and Vodka foever.}
The swag bag box was a great surprise. I loved all of the items inside!
My salad was tiny but delicious, although, I'll definitely be ordering the egg scramble next time I go with an empty stomach, everyone's food looked amazing!
So many women discussing creative endeavors and up and coming events and projects!
We all had a great time and even won a few prizes.
Jennifer and Jenn really know how to host an event, on top of the swag bags, they giveaway probably 20 prizes!
It was a safe space for Selfies, and look at some of my favorite loot, Cupcakes, Flowers and Confetti, oh my! {mouse pad won from Mulberry Press Co.}
I'm so happy I got to meet so many talented women, I can't wait to collaborate on future projects.
Thanks for being awesome ladies!
Summer of The Girls with Glasses
Emily of The Banner Shoppe
Heidi of idieh design
Reachel of Cardigan Empire
Kayli of KayliWanders the blog.
Deidre of C'est Love
Sara of Life Design and Peek
Lauren of Lauren Ashby Photography
The Glitter Revival
PB&J Threads
Juney House Shop
Crew and Lu
Sweet Shoppe Mom
Pink Cake Plate
Top Knots and Twirls
Free Range Apparel {coming soon}
Ruffled Paper
Mulberry Press Co.
Royal Bowtique
Beth Allen Art

**Were you there? did I miss a link to you or your business? please email me at if you'd like me to add you to the list and or if you have a 240x150px button to add to my partners or friends sidebar.**
Thanks for blogging this! It really was awesome to meet everyone and I definitely came home inspired! Awesome post :)