I almost didn't share this because it's already been two weeks since thanksgiving but also because it's like everyone has a Thanksgiving post and really is there anything special between me and the next blogger? While the answer probably is, not really, I reminded myself this blog is for me to look back at, on the moments I thought were worth sharing and I think I want to share a few memories from this past Thanksgiving...
As I thought about what I was thankful for that morning I started with my family. And how Thanksgiving doesn't start when we all sit down to eat, it's about what happens the whole day, getting ready, baking, relaxing, enjoying family and then eating. Also, I've been trying to document more of those everyday moments, and this little girl brushing her teeth was pretty adorable, that toothpaste all over her face and learning to do things for herself, pretty thankful for her ability to follow directions and excited for her journey to independence.
Then, there's me always sneaking up on people to take pictures. I'm pretty thankful for this guy and our little life together so here's me being a creep while he's shaving.
After everyone else was relatively ready for the day we started our baking with some premade cookies, the girls begged for cookies at the store but I just wasn't up for doing them from scratch so we just used these instead, and for being gluten free they actually turned out pretty good.
After the cookies the real work began...
I roasted sweet potatoes for about an hour and then scooped out their guts...
mixed them with some almond milk eggnog {because it's the only vegan substitute we had and it actually turned out perfect}
The girls were excited to help add marshmallows to the top.
and they did a great job helping me top the sweet potatoes, but they totally snuck a few too.
Once it was topped and done we rushed to Husband's dad's house and popped it in the oven.
You can tell how impressed everyone was with the football game.
Not sure exactly what she's showing her daddy, but she's constantly coming up with inventions and I have a feeling she's explaining her most recent one to him. Thankful for her creativity.
We all added something we're thankful for to these little tags, I love reading what others are grateful for, so I always try to add something like this to our thanksgiving gathering.
Sonja is obsessed with this turkey butter, she makes me buy it every year.
And now for the food...
Sunshine made Rolls
I made Sweet Potatoes
Emily made Cauliflower Au Gratin
and Apple Leeks Stuffing {with ciabatta &walnuts instead of white bread & chestnuts}
Wayne made "Dirty" Mashed Potatoes
and Vichi Carrots
Macey made Mac and Cheese
We also had Brussels Sprouts
Green Beans
and Turkey
for dessert Emily made monkey bread. It's like a Cinnabon but only the best inside part, for the whole thing. I'll find the recipe and share it! It was so good, I think my kids ate half the loaf.
Grabbed a few photos of my brother in law and family.
and another with their house mate Sam {I have a whole collection of these going, wouldn't they make the best gay dad models?!}
My sister in law and her husband.
and of course so thankful for this little family of mine.
Hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving, if you celebrate, and I hope everyone finds something wonderful to be thankful for in their own lives, and I'm super grateful for this space to share my memories and thoughts with anyone and everyone who wants to read them.

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