I love these lockers and clean walls and floors, it didn't last long with two small kids and all their education tools, but I think using chalk maker on the lockers to label them was the smartest thing I've ever done, and helps me to remember what I put in each little space.
As I moved all my pieces into the room, I knew I needed a space for all my fabrics and inventory, those bins also hold patterns, various art supplies and tools for myself and my kids.
We found this map at zinnias and added it to the space near the lockers, I love old maps and seeing what boundaries once stood between people and places, it's always interesting to see history in something as simple as a map.
Found a few ocean blue accessories at ikea, this color is so soothing to me and definitely something I feel resonates with my brand's coloring and pairs well with both my globe collection and contrasts nicely with my yellow door and rug.
With all the cubes filled in I finally feel like I have a space for each collection or project, A place for everything and everything in it's place resonates with me as I pulled this space together. For so long everything felt just spread around the house, now all my creative tools are in one space, and even though I'm going to have to move them shortly again, this process of organizing is going to be so helpful for transitioning into a new work space.
A quick look at my desk, it's rare it's cleared off and papers are filed but I feel most productive with a simple notepad and clear space.
Husband purchased these vintage jars as an anniversary gift a few years ago, and while I didn't feel comfortable storing food in them, they make perfect desktop organizers.
To be honest the room looks a little more like this these days, not sure why there is trash and bags hanging around, must have snapped this photo before a goodwill run, but to be honest there are always working piles of fabric, silk screens or paintings piled up against the walls. I'm not sure there will ever be a space in my home truly complete, I hope this space moves simply to my new workroom, I think I'll keep my sewing machine and computer tucked into an office nook of my master suite, but we'll see how the patio enclosure progresses and if that's done before our housemates move in I might reconsider. The nice thing about shifting my spaces so frequently is that I'm forced to purge and downsize each time, thinning out more and more things I don't need or haven't used. I'm always excited to gather enough stuff up for a yard sale it's the best feeling to purge, share and donate items I wasn't using. Another really helpful tool in organizing is our eventual move to Hawaii, knowing each thing I keep is one more thing we'll have to ship. If I know I'm not going to pay to ship it, and that I won't need or use it over the next three years, I'm able to part with it now, and prepare for our move slowly one room at a time, and living a more minimalist life each item I remove. It's exciting to know we're going to going though such a big transition in just a few years, that might sound like a long time away but when I think that my daughter is just now three I realize how soon it will be here! These little shifts feel like good practice and keep me from getting bored. Wish me luck as we prepare our new space and binge all our extra items.
What are your favorite resources for organization? How do you combine spaces for personal and professional use? Do you have an in home office?

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