Thursday, April 12, 2018

Intuitive Painting and Visual Meditation.

Lately I've been trying to make sure to paint, even if only in watercolor, once a day.  Some days I miss it but most days I at least get some sort of ink on paper.  I try not to think about what I'm doing until i'm done and then I might go back and add finishing touches or additional details.  

In addition to amplifying my creativity it's created an opportunity for my kids to sit and paint with me. As a new mom I took an extended leave of absence form my art.  I still made things, but I wasn't painting from that intuitive voice I was manufacturing.  Now I can finally say with the freedom and flexibility of older kids I can find moments of inner stillness and reflection.  I can verbalize my expectations with them when I'm working so they can find something else to do or work with me on my terms.  I like to work from my intuition so having outside conversations and needs really pulls me off track.  I'm so grateful they're at an age where I can start truly creating again without frustrating interruptions. 
 We worked on these together and Vera told me she was painting her and her sister on the beach with Frida Kahlo.  Sonja painting a sunset.  And I just let the swirls of the paint guide me.  When I look at it it reminds me of a primitive snake depiction so I might explore that meaning or spirit guide more in depth and see what my subconscious was trying to tell me.
Another recent gavorite was this dragon I painted from just staring so long at the green marks on the paper until I saw and image.  on the Juxtaposing side of the page I had already written the words, "just breathe" but as I finished the drawing I realized dragons don't just breathe, they breathe fire. so I added that to the mix. 
Do yuo have a creative process?  What does it look like?

Would you be interested in joining a guided meditation for art making?
Pick one; Yes. Please. Tell me more!  or   No. TYVM.

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