With all the current chaos of our world I felt compelled to share my views on the current Student Walk Outs regarding gun control. I want to start of by sharing a few pieces of information some of you might already know about me, 1. I'm a teacher. 2. I'm a gun owner. 3. I live in Arizona where people can carry concealed weapons without a permit- although I do have my CCW permit which means I've taken a class and shot a decent range, once. So now you know or presume to know my stance on gun control or maybe arming teachers, allow me to expand your mind.
No, I do not want to carry a gun in my classroom.
No, I do not feel comfortable with the current process of purchasing a firearm or other deadly weapon.
No, I do not think mental health resources are effective enough.
Yes, I support students 'walking out on their education' to prove a point, or create a dialog.
I think many people might have already gotten lost with the duality of my views but if you continue reading I promise I will clear up a few things.
1. walking out doesn't do anything. false. walking out creates a dialog, people talk about the issue, many people get stuck on the walk out itself but those enlightened enough to listen instead of taking offense to these ditching kids, will understand, without the right to vote, they can't change anything legally, all they can do now is take action. action freaks people out, it makes them uncomfortable, frustrated, confused.
2. Education is more than books in a classroom with a teacher real life experiences form education. Students aren’t missing their education during these walk outs. They’re not ditching for weeks at a time. It’s one class one day. Do you have any idea how many assemblies or field trips or student council scheduling conflicts disrupt scheduled teaching time each week. This isn’t even on my radar for inconveniences.
3. I keep thinking back to how you mention walking out during your job and I finally realized the reason it bothered me. You might not think you need to walk out but that’s because someone did it for you. The entire labor union movement gifting you a 40 hour work week, minimum wage and LABOR DAY we’re all because employees (members of a unit on) walked OUT on strike during work hours.
I think people saying walk outs ‘don’t accomplish anything’ are the ones benefiting from walk outs of the past and should sit in on their kids history classes.
Maybe if we think how we would feel if our children were murdered in school. We gain compassion for their peers speaking out.
My students actually did not walk out. It’s a small private school. But if they protested something they were passionate about I would support that. Regardless of weather or not I agreed with it. I would probably take the time to explain their other options or break down their concerns and help encourage education on such topics for instance I really don’t think gun control is the issue. But I do think we need to step back and assess gun culture so this starts that dialog.
And as far as work. I work 4 part time jobs. I am not offered health insurance or holidays off at any because there is not one full time job. There’s loopholes. But if you’re one full time job has you work over 40 then you overtime.
I don’t know I just think we need to be supporting and educating our youth not questioning their actions. They’re hurt. Frustrated. Scared. We need to offer unconditional love and support
No, I do not want to carry a gun in my classroom.
No, I do not feel comfortable with the current process of purchasing a firearm or other deadly weapon.
No, I do not think mental health resources are effective enough.
Yes, I support students 'walking out on their education' to prove a point, or create a dialog.
I think many people might have already gotten lost with the duality of my views but if you continue reading I promise I will clear up a few things.
1. walking out doesn't do anything. false. walking out creates a dialog, people talk about the issue, many people get stuck on the walk out itself but those enlightened enough to listen instead of taking offense to these ditching kids, will understand, without the right to vote, they can't change anything legally, all they can do now is take action. action freaks people out, it makes them uncomfortable, frustrated, confused.
2. Education is more than books in a classroom with a teacher real life experiences form education. Students aren’t missing their education during these walk outs. They’re not ditching for weeks at a time. It’s one class one day. Do you have any idea how many assemblies or field trips or student council scheduling conflicts disrupt scheduled teaching time each week. This isn’t even on my radar for inconveniences.
3. I keep thinking back to how you mention walking out during your job and I finally realized the reason it bothered me. You might not think you need to walk out but that’s because someone did it for you. The entire labor union movement gifting you a 40 hour work week, minimum wage and LABOR DAY we’re all because employees (members of a unit on) walked OUT on strike during work hours.
I think people saying walk outs ‘don’t accomplish anything’ are the ones benefiting from walk outs of the past and should sit in on their kids history classes.
Maybe if we think how we would feel if our children were murdered in school. We gain compassion for their peers speaking out.
My students actually did not walk out. It’s a small private school. But if they protested something they were passionate about I would support that. Regardless of weather or not I agreed with it. I would probably take the time to explain their other options or break down their concerns and help encourage education on such topics for instance I really don’t think gun control is the issue. But I do think we need to step back and assess gun culture so this starts that dialog.
And as far as work. I work 4 part time jobs. I am not offered health insurance or holidays off at any because there is not one full time job. There’s loopholes. But if you’re one full time job has you work over 40 then you overtime.
I don’t know I just think we need to be supporting and educating our youth not questioning their actions. They’re hurt. Frustrated. Scared. We need to offer unconditional love and support

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