Monday, November 30, 2020

Recent Reads and Current Scents volume 2

Super Genes + Northern Escape 
I just finished Super Genes by Deepak Chopra MD and Rudolph Tanzi PHD and I can not over appreciate the simple concepts this book details into clear concise ways that we can radically alter our DNA for wellbeing and quality of life.   I've always known meditation was beneficial for the mind, but this book covers the concepts of epigenetics and gene expression stress reduction has on our physical body.  In addition to the basics it covers diet and nutrition changes we can make with tiered action plan to meet you where you are.  Small changes now make big impacts over a lifetime. The book covers 6 basic impact Diet, Stress, Exercise (movement), Meditation, Sleep and Emotions. We've all heard these have health benefits but to actually see each one listed out with research and anecdotal stories of just how much impact each one truly has on our DNA was really powerful.  I went through my 2021 planner and added one lifestyle change a week, thankfully many of the first tier items I already do and was able to really challenge myself to the second and third phase of action plans.  If you're looking for a well written light language scientific book with strong evidence and research that can help improve your understanding of your physical and emotional body I highly recommended this book.  

I'm currently diffusing Northern Escape while I read and write this.  It's the newest oil I purchased on limited release from doterra.  I've talked about it before but the impact of reading a book while diffusing an oil is beneficial for memory retention and recall.  Sometimes I'll choose a blend of essential oils that reflect the location or theme of a book, other times I focus on the season or holidays.  Since it's hardly winter in Phoenix, the fir and spruce tree blends really allow for the holiday forest smells to permeate and let me pretend I'm living in an actual winter wonderland. 

What are you diffusing and reading?

Find me on Instagram and let me know if you've got more feedback or another similar book suggestion I should check out. 

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