I'm going to keep this post simple and let the food and images speak for themselves, but seriously you guys this is my favorite event of the year. And I'm not kidding when I say I have a better time here than Disneyland. Seriously...
Reason Nnumber 1. donuts.
2. lots of diverse food, even better when plant based.
3. "unlimited"* alcohol samples
{*this year they limited to 30 samples + an extra 10 requests, didn't make it though the full 30, I have a hard time believing anyone could within the 4 hour time frame}
4. Mini Charcuterie Boards.
5. Bite size samples of sweet deliciousness.
5. This guy.
6. This Family.
7. These Brothers.
8. Friends
9. Desssert
10. and sleepy babies after a long day of fun.
Have you been to the annual event yet? I can't rave about it enough, it's literally my favorite day{s} -better than my birthday! and the fact that so many family and friends go every year makes it even more fun. If you're interested in the food of the day check out my full post at Bitches Food Club.

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