Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Flagstaff Feb. 2020

We spent the weekend in Flagstaff celebrating our friend's birthday. They rented a small off the grid eco cabin and we invited ourselves to join them! I had a lab report due and a group project introduction to write, but thankfully we have understanding friends and family and I spent the afternoon upon arrival working on Biology while my brother in law worked on covering a news story in Scottsdale. Once we were all done working we made dinner and drinks. I stopped drinking alcohol about a month and a half ago and only give myself one day a month to enjoy intoxication. It's not really a big deal, but I just noticed I was drinking more than I felt necessary, and observed people living healthy happy lifestyles rarely use alcohol, so I cut way back. I might have started snacking and drinking la croix like crazy to make up for it, but I think once I really adjust I won't miss it and will have more energy. I think it's important to do check ins with our bodies to see what we can offer our vessel to support our health. Another offering for my body is quality time with friends and family, taking breaks from working to just enjoy our time together. We played card games, danced by the fire, played in the snow and laughed with friends. I needed this weekend. I needed to decompress, to forget about debts owed, projects due, emails awaiting replies. Here's a glimpse into our cabin getaway;
p.s. home videos are my new creative outlet. 
songs include: Celine Dion's Ashes + Offspring the kids aren't alright.
 caught studying.
 Husband - the dog whisper.
 Couldn't find a birthday cake I liked so I made cinnamon rolls.
And we woke up to snow in the morning!  V didn't have snow pants and proceeded to play in the snow in her pajamas for about 2 hours.
 everyone was so happy!
 especially this pup.
My nephew pup; Miles.
my team.
 they made a snowman! V told me it was Olaf.
The drive back was quite the winter blanket.  We're not used to any of this cold white powder, thankfully the Husband drove because it got a lot more foggy on our way back as you can see in the video at the beginning.  Sending getaway vibes to everyone reading this, you all need a break, we all do. 

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