Thursday, February 27, 2020


Coffee by LiQWYD

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After driving through Northern Ireland we headed to Belfast for an evening in the city.  We had never been there and unfortunately we arrived after sunset so we didn't really get a chance to walk around and sight see.  We rented an airbnb near the Botanical Gardens but the gate was closed in the evening so we were unable to walk through the garden to get to dinner, plus it was the coldest of the places we visited so I begged the Husband to drive and park, he did and we got dinner, and then went back to our airbnb for him to finish his grad school finals for the semester.  Not a lot of images to see here, but I'm documenting it anyway to not leave any place out, also to remind myself to come back here and do so much more next time!
Row houses, very Canadian feeling to me.  Reminded me of our summers we spent in Toronto as a child. 
Tribal Burger. Lots of Vegetarian options, reasonable price and was delish.

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