Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Our night in Cohb, Ireland

Our flight from London to Dublin was quick and since we're used to the sunshine and heat the winter weather was a welcome change.  The rain and the chill exemplified the significance of the experience.  To be in a different place with such different sensory experiences is really the illusion of traveling I obsess over.  It's the experience I want when I go to a new place, if I wanted it to be like home, I'd stay home.  
After our flight we rented a car with some driver name challenges.  Don't reserve the car under someone else's name otherwise they won't honor the rates.  That's fun.  I got stuck driving the second round of touring because of this.  Not that I mind, but the husband enjoys driving more than I do so would have probably been more fun for him, good thing we're rebels and he ended up driving anyway.  
We ended up getting to Cohb (pronounced Cove) a bit later than we wanted, thanks to the tourism and cruse industry the coastal port town was open late, however the landmarks weren't as visually accessible. We checked in easily to our airbnb after finding a street side parking space.  Then we walked up to a nearby pub.  And when I say walked up I mean walked up a hill - you'll see it later in the photos below in the sunlight.  
The husband ordered us some stout and a whiskey and we listened to the Irishmen discuss former United States President's in reverse chronological order.  I mean I knew what they were listing, but if you asked me to name the Irish or any other counties political leaders in order or even, I'll be honest in general, I wouldn't be able to.  It was quite impressive. 
This is my happy face.
The walk back you can see there's a beautiful church but only illuminated on the facade and not really fully in a way to appreciate it.

from our airbnb window you could see it poking up above the homes and businesses across the street from us.
Husband got fish and chips from a nearby restaurant.  I opted for store bought pizza and a bottle of wine, sadly I forgot to take a photograph.
In the morning you can see the view from our airbnb a bit more realistically.
It was this adorable, what appears to be a storefront, and just the perfect studio apartment we could have chosen to stay in.
The Husband woke up early in the morning to do some quick exploring since we knew we wouldn't be able to spend all day there.  His Grandfather departed from there according to some historical documents, so I took his photos to post here, since I slept in.  I needed to recover from all the flying. 
Here's that church in the daylight - utterly beautiful.
And that hill I mentioned we climbed from the row houses at the bottom up to the top to give you an idea.
The view from up the hill looking down to were our airbnb was.
And as quickly as we arrived we departed in our toyota for the week.  Ask me how the clutch smelled after trying to parallel park up this hill.  

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