Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Summer Essentials

A couple of weeks ago I started hosting yoga at the park for a friend seriously missing yoga in real life during quarantine.  We chose an outdoor open space where we could socially distance and move our bodies.  I haven't taught in a studio space because instead of feeling confident and helpful I felt nervous and anxious.  An anxious teacher is not a helpful teacher.  I knew that actually I was not meant to teach yoga in a studio space for an owner as soon as I stepped in front of my audition managers.  I am actually meant to teach in a relaxed judgement free space outdoors with the audience who knows I'm there to flow with them and share a union of movement and meditative teachings. A space where my witchy healing energy can flow freely and I can share oils and wellness knowledge. 

This is the stash I always bring with me when we do yoga in the park.

Correct x is my go to bandaid buddy. I slather it on any cut, scrape or bug bite. Even on chapped lips if I forget my chapstick.  I keep it with me everywhere in case I scrape my knee on the grass falling out of bakasana or maybe if I step on a thorn barefoot. Whatever It's there for me in place of Neosporin.  I am currently offering one free correct x for anyone who places an enrollment order through July 15, 2020.  Just place an enrollment order here or using the wellness advocate enrollee code 1767826 or email me to walk you through the process.

On Guard is a protective blend and is packed with immune supporting oils of; eucalyptus, rosemary, orange, cinnamon, clove. Here, I’ve made my own hand mist and replaced the top with a spray cap to upcycle the bottle.  We also have a hand sanitizer premade which you can add to your order, limit one per customer at this time.

& TerraShield is the one I spray all over when camping and hiking or doing yoga in the park.  I think it smells better than any other toxic bug spray.  To me it's has a hint of vanilla marshmallow scent layered on the active essential oils.  So if you're looking to clean your summer essentials up with non-toxic ingredients email me to walk you through the process. OR place an enrollment order here or using the wellness advocate enrollee code 1767826.

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