We have SO MANY lemons {count your blessings!}, I don't know what to do with them, but since Sonja requested a Winter Solstice "Feast" I thought I could use a few for decor. So, I found a recipe for dehydrating sliced oranges in the oven. It mentions waiting until the peels are dry but that took about 6 hours {not the two suggested} at 200* f and I thought they were still pretty moist so I left them in while I ran some errand but then it was too long. I think for the thickness pictured about a good 7-8 hours at 180-200*f would be ideal.
I'm not one to waste anything, so I just used the overcooked but not burnt {those went in compost} lemons, limes and oranges for our garland anyway. I threaded the needle with a thin hemp rope and showed Sonja how to use the needle and set her to work. I actually sewed peel to peel to keep them looking straight on which you can see in the final image, but I let her experiment with her own technique.
This project smelled amazing by the way, but she kept complaining about it being sticky. I should mention she's a bit dramatic about germs and goo.
We also included cranberries, because I had them. I'm trying to use up any left over holidays produce that might go to waste.
I helped her finish, once she was over it, and we hung them over our front window since we don't have a tree, and they still smell good. Next year I might add some cinnamon.
How do you decorate for the holidays? What are your favorite Winter holidays?

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