Last night, I attended a Weaving Workshop with talented former Phoenician Shelly Sazdanoff at my favorite local boutique Cleo and Clementine. This locally owned bridal boutique is known for it's modern bridal gowns but also hosts creative workshops.
it's pretty much the prettiest creative space in Phoenix.
I love this creative community, gathering, it's so wonderful to see humans bonding with each other over their crafts and passions.
the tables were set and supplies distributed.
a handy beginner's guide to weaving and beautiful stained looms.
Shelly demonstrates the starting knot.
and necessary steps to tighten the warp.
and just like that everyone is weaving.
Shelly shows a quick trick to save time with the shed.
oh. I love the neon and variation in fibers.
and this new mama rockin' it and learning new skills while baby wearing.
everyone was seriously focused and in the groove.
the tassels might be my favorite and easiest trick of the night.
it was so interesting to see which colors and textures everyone gravitated towards.
more tools and tricks.
pretty inspirational and intricate techniques for beginning students.
this neon pink was really beautiful, I love how she used subtle grays and navy to contrast with the bright pink.
Still works in progress, but you can see they're off to a great start! I'm super excited to order my loom and try it for myself.
What new hobbies are you interested in? How do you stay connected to your creative community? I'd love to hear about workshops in your area {especially if you're in the phoenix area!}.

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