This November I turned thirty. It seemed like a big deal so I spent a bit of time and energy planning a party for myself. I wanted something inspired by the boho gypsy lifestyle, ecletic, traveling, carnivalesque. I decided on a 1920's gypsy themed party. So instead of flappers and prohibition, more of gypsys as they were protrayed in hollywood and film. A sort of meshing of the fashion and exotic aspects of gypsy life, I hired a few friends as "fortune tellers" another did henna and my nearest and dearests contributed food and drinks. It was a wonderful night that I desperately needed in my life and even though it was a little stressful pulling it all together I'm really happy I did made it happen because it was a magical night...
I set up a little nook with blankets and ribbons trucks and globes, shared a few family photos on the tree and added candles and hanging lanterns.
I set up a fortune teller booth with a sign I painted with my friend the week before.
Set up the outdoor bar with my favorite banner from the petite party studio
added a wishing tree for everyone to add a wish to.
My friend Stephanie made all these cupcakes and chocolates to top them. aren't they glamorous?
My Midwife's Husband Michael joined us with some gypsy songs he learned just for the occasion.
And here is my talented friend drawing some henna on my arm while my fussing toddler flings herself about.
I loved everyone's interpretation of the theme, so fun to see everyone's gypsy costumes.
Macey started my champagne tower
Pretty much the funnest thing ever, I want to do this at all my parties!
Everyone got a turn pouring.
When it was my turn it might have been too much pressure, had to pour a bit to the lower levels to help balance the flow of the champagne. {side note, thank you Monique of Cleo and Clementine for helping me create a pattern to sew this dress to perfection!}
I got first taste, and of course peach champagne is always delicious!
{head warp is just a 1/3 yard of beaded fabric from SAS tied and knotted on the side}
My sister in law Emily made my cake and I got this cake topper from etsy.
the kids and adults alike seemed to have a great time.
wish the men in my life always wore vests and derby hats.
Yes, Sam you do need four glasses of champagne.
Instead of candles I decided on sparklers. Best decision ever.
Nothing like being surrounded by 50 of your favorite people as they sing to you and wish you happy thoughts.
And to have this guy by my side, to ask for anything more would just be selfish.
Seriously, such a great night I needed so much, I'm so grateful for family and friends in our lives. This year has already started rough for me, but I know it's because every once and a while you have to purge all that toxic, negative shit from your life so all the amazing things can happen, and you guys amazing things are going to happen, they're happening. I'm excited for this year and all it has to offer, the possibilities are endless and I'm not waiting one moment to start appreciating any of it. I'm healthy, I'm loved, I'm safe, and so are those around me, what more could I ask for?

p.s. For more of a look at my inspiration for the night, check out my pinterest board.
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