Monday, November 18, 2013

Birthday Weekend Recap {a Photo Documentation Post}

This past weekend was my birthday, and in an effort to better remember my life, I've started documenting everything, of course the standard food porn, but also the decor and style of my home, my gifts, my possessions, my family, how we dressed and where we went.  This is such a great tool for journaling. Sometimes it is strange to think someone I don't really know is reading this, but at the same time, it's really cool that someone else might find this blog and my photos, and my day and connect with something I shared, so here's my birthday weekend in images with few captions...
Breakfast; not quite from scratch organic cinnamon rolls, on one of my favorite plates.
My sister left me this sweet message on my chalkboard in the morning.
I wanted to make a cake for that night, so it would be exactly what I wanted, and Sonja helped.
I ended up having a migraine all day {hence my appearance below}, so after nap time, I got a massage and came home to a few friends and family ready to enjoy cake with me.
After my cake, husband presented me with the BEST birthday gift:
I am seriously so excited to start blending {and as you can see so is Sonja}!!
Do you have a vitamix? Do you have any recipe suggestions? Comments appreciated. I'm most excited about the kale and spinach I can now add to my smoothies without the gross texture, oh and coconut!! 

oh, and peanut butter! from scratch!!
On Saturday morning, since my headache was gone, we gave into Sonja's request to go to the Railroad Park.  Vera loved the carousel ride as you can see, with her head tossed back watching everything spin.
It was really the best morning, I love having family dates! Any suggestions for our future Saturdays? 

After an easy day, Husband and I got all dressed up to go to one of my favorite restaurants in Phoenix.  well, technically, Scottsdale.  Anyway! Have you tried Searsucker?!
I drove past it all the time, and finally got him to take me there for our anniversary and we've never had more shwanky food!
It's almost too classy for me to bust out my camera, but I couldn't help it! p.s. note to self, one drink is enough, two almost did me in.
I'm silly and ordered a salad at a steakhouse, but it was an amazing salad with walnuts, blackberries, goat cheese and mint, plus the sides are really where it's at; manchego cauliflower and balsamic brussel sprouts. AND it was a full moon! my favorite. 

After dinner Husband drove me to "pick up the kids" from my brother and sister in law's house, instead all my friends were there waiting to surprise me!  {on the right; two of those sneaky friends of mine! I'm still waiting for more photos from the party since I was so surprised and unprepared I didn't have my camera out of the car!}

It really was the best birthday, I can believe how fortunate I am to have so many generous people around me and my family.  I love them all more than I can blog about and am so grateful for the positivity they bring to my life.

Here's to twenty eight and all it has to offer.

p.s. You can also follow along on TwitterPinterestFacebook, and Tumblr!


  1. Looks like you had a great time (except for the migraine :( yuk). Happy Birthday and many more!
    Aunt Joanne
